It may be tempting when choosing a native landscaping design to stop mowing the lawn and just let nature "take over." However, native landscaping requires planning and purposeful implementation, just like non-native landscaping. These tips will help you pick the right native landscaping plants for your yard while also helping you plan the perfect landscaping design for your needs.
Match the Plants to the Conditions
Just because a plant is native to your state doesn't mean that plant is native to your specific region. Some states are very large and span several ecosystems. When choosing plants for your property, look for those plants native to your region, suited for your specific rainfall, sunshine, average temperatures and soil type.
Keep in mind that your yard alone has varying conditions of lightness and shade, and even different temperatures. For example, areas of your yard up against the house on the south side are likely to be warmer, brighter and dryer than areas of your yard away from the house and under large trees. In other words, it's not safe to assume that a native will grow anywhere in your yard just because it's native. The plants you choose need to be matched to the conditions where they're being planted, just like non-native plants.
Stagger the Bloom Times
The best way to light up your yard with color and cheer is to plant blooming flowers. By staggering the bloom times of plants, you can ensure that your yard is blooming throughout the year, instead of just one time per year. As you shop for different native plants, look for plants that bloom at different times. Cluster them together in the same flower bed, if possible, so that each flower bed features something colorful at all times.
Plant Edibles
Plant native berries, fruits and other edibles. This will ensure that your garden is functional as well as beautiful. Plus, you'll impress your guests when you make them a pie of natural berries from your yard.
Get Rid of the Grass
This is a step that some homeowners find is too hard to stomach. However, grass needs a lot of water and care, and that usually flies in the face of native garden landscaping. If you continue to grow grass in your yard, you'll be missing out on a lot of the benefits of native gardening. While it's your choice to keep your grass or not, some homeowners choose to rip out their grass in bits at a time, and replace the grass with wildflowers, shrubs or clumps of native grasses.
For more tips, talk to a representative with a professional landscaping company, like Cumberland Valley Tree Service & Landscaping. She or he will be able to tell you which native plants would be best for your property and can answer any other questions you may have.