Giving your home a country feel can be easy if you are willing to think outside of the box when it comes to your interior decorating. You can transform items into new and exciting decorative pieces with just a little creativity. The following guide will teach you how to turn an old wooden wagon wheels into a mirror that you can be proud to hang on your wall.
Make a Backboard
You need to make a backboard for the wheel to attach your mirrors to. Use thin plywood to create the backboard. Lay the wagon wheel on top of the plywood and trace the edges inside the inner edge of the wheel and around the exterior of the wheel. Use a jigsaw to cut the plywood on the exterior mark you made.
Prepare the Wheel
Use 80-grit sandpaper to sand down the edges of the wheel so that it has a smooth surface. Be careful when sanding the wheel, it will more than likely be rather old and a bit delicate.
Stain the Wheel
If you want the wheel to have a country feel, you do not want to paint it because that will make it look too contemporary. Instead, use a paintbrush to paint a stain onto the wood. Allow the stain to dry for a few hours and then you can apply a coat of polyurethane gel to the wheel. The polyurethane gel will create a protective coating to keep the wheel looking great for as long as possible.
Attach the Backboard
Place wood glue on the part of the wheel that you want to attach to the backboard. Flip the wagon wheel onto the backboard and press it securely against the board. You may want to use clamps to apply pressure while the glue is drying. Allow the glue to dry for two to three hours before continuing. Once the glue is dry, the wood will be sealed together.
Add the Mirrors
Next, use a hammer to carefully break a large mirror into small pieces. Apply more glue to the backboard of the wagon wheel between one of the spokes of the wheel. Press the pieces of the mirror onto the backboard until the entire inside area of the spoke is covered with the mirrored pieces. Repeat the process with all of the other spaces between the spokes.
When you are finished, you can turn the wheel over and add a picture hanging kit to the back of the backboard. Hang the mirrored wagon wheel on a wall where plenty of natural light will hit it to allow light to shine on the mirrors.